Emma Magenta Coaching

Hey there!
I’m Emma Magenta.
I’m a Life Coach for ADHD women.

If my work speaks to you, chances are you’re an extremely capable, intelligent, accomplished woman. You’re generous and conscientious. A deep thinker, with unconventional imagination and deep insight–you feel things powerfully.

Hey there!
I’m Emma Magenta.
I’m a Life Coach for ADHD women.

If my work speaks to you, chances are you’re an extremely capable, intelligent, accomplished woman. You’re generous and conscientious. A deep thinker, with unconventional imagination and deep insight–you feel things powerfully.

Hey there!
I’m Emma Magenta.
I’m a Life Coach for ADHD women.

If my work speaks to you, chances are you’re an extremely capable, intelligent, accomplished woman. You’re generous and conscientious. A deep thinker, with unconventional imagination and deep insight–you feel things powerfully.

BUT…your beautiful qualities are accompanied by certain problems. 

  • Despite your many accomplishments and gifts, you’re dogged by chronic self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness.
  • You’re so generous in your care for others that you lose sight of care for yourself.
  • Even in the best of times, care for yourself is tricky–you struggle with regular bedtimes, feeding yourself properly, phone usage, work limits.
  • You chronically overwork, even though you know overwork is terrible for you
  • You feel like a fraud, and you live in dread of falling behind or being found out, no matter how much you’ve accomplished
  • You struggle to set boundaries, or you set them but can’t enforce them. 
  • You feel like everyone else has life figured out, and wonder why it’s so hard for you.
  • You wish you could just not be so sensitive. And/or less b!tchy.
  • You have a sense that your life’s purpose is unfulfilled, or your personal genius is not fully expressed.
  • You wonder why you can’t get traction on the things that are most important to you.
  • All the above adds up to this: You are stressed, overwhelmed, and feel like crap way too often. 

You’ve been dealing with versions of these problems your whole life. 

And you’re beginning to realize that they’re not going away

  • You’re not going to outgrow them. 
  • You’re not going to suddenly become a different person.
  • You’re not going to be able to out-work them. 

That being said, you are now a grown-ass woman.

You know that even with all your challenges, you’re capable of evolving. You’re ready to evolve.

Get Started With Coaching With Me

How about more of this in your life?

  • Healthy, abundant self-regard that makes boundary-setting with others intuitive, so that caring for others doesn’t mean abandoning yourself
  • Just the right degree of support–a flexible structure of routines and helpers, so that you’re able to set boundaries with yourself that are nourishing and uplifting, rather than harsh and constricting.
  • The courage to do less and rest more, with ample time for rest, relationships, play and everything else that makes your heart sing
  • The ability to OWN your accomplishments, instead of writing them off as flukes or even forgetting them altogether.
  • Trust that your sensitivity is a profound gift, one that is worthy of the highest respect, from you and others.
  • The confidence to stop people-pleasing others, and start pleasing the heroine of your life: you
  • Confidence in your value and contributions, so that The Dread Imposter Syndrome withers away 
  • Courage to let go of perfectionism so that your authentic self shines through
  • An inner life illuminated by self-love, so that you’re able to show up powerfully when you want to, and able to forgive yourself when you don’t.
  • A life that feels like home to you, one that is actually attuned to YOUR longings, needs, and preferences, not somebody else’s expectations

Now, a little about me

I’m a feminist Life Coach. I help women with burnout stop being so hard on themselves, and start feeling at home in their lives. I’m particularly effective at coaching highly sensitive ADHD women, because I am one! 

In a former life, I founded and operated one of the most beloved, successful yoga studios in New Jersey. Over 20 years, I wrote three books, trained dozens of yoga teachers, and taught thousands of people to love their bodies and honor their minds and hearts through yoga and meditation. 

Given all that, you’d think I was really good at self-care, right? 


Most of the time that I owned that business, I was tired, overworked, underpaid, and burned out. I didn’t know how to take care of myself. My life-long ADHD saddled me with deep shame about my character. Very often, I put other peoples’ needs, comfort, and opinions ahead of my own. No matter what problem I faced, my solution was “stop feeling sorry for yourself and work harder.” (Spoiler alert: “working harder” didn’t work for me, and I bet it’s not working for you either.)

It took a lot of coaching and therapy to begin to unpack the cultural and personal baggage that was keeping me locked in patterns of overwork, fuzzy boundaries, and low self-esteem. And these days, it’s my joy to help other ADHD women shift their lives toward greater effectiveness, harmony, creativity, and self-love. 

Wanna know more about me? Click here. 

Now, a little about me

I’m a feminist Life Coach. I help women with burnout stop being so hard on themselves, and start feeling at home in their lives. I’m particularly effective at coaching highly sensitive ADHD women, because I am one! 

In a former life, I founded and operated one of the most beloved, successful yoga studios in New Jersey. Over 20 years, I wrote three books, trained dozens of yoga teachers, and taught thousands of people to love their bodies and honor their minds and hearts through yoga and meditation. 

Given all that, you’d think I was really good at self-care, right? 


Most of the time that I owned that business, I was tired, overworked, underpaid, and burned out. I didn’t know how to take care of myself. My life-long ADHD saddled me with deep shame about my character. Very often, I put other peoples’ needs, comfort, and opinions ahead of my own. No matter what problem I faced, my solution was “stop feeling sorry for yourself and work harder.” (Spoiler alert: “working harder” didn’t work for me, and I bet it’s not working for you either.)

It took a lot of coaching and therapy to begin to unpack the cultural and personal baggage that was keeping me locked in patterns of overwork, fuzzy boundaries, and low self-esteem. And these days, it’s my joy to help other ADHD women shift their lives toward greater effectiveness, harmony, creativity, and self-love. 

Wanna know more about me? Click here. 

Get Started With Coaching With Me


“Before I started working with Emma I was confused AF! About what I wanted to do, how to be happy, where I needed to be physically and emotionally. I was just lost, reactive and out of control, with very little self-trust in terms of my ability to respond appropriately to a situation. This was a serious issue at work, where I need to perform at a high level. 

“I didn’t have any hesitations about working with Emma, but going into it I had some reservations about coaching in general. To be frank, there aren’t many people who I would trust to be good at it! Emma is incredibly brilliant, and my work with her has been illuminating in the most profound way–neural-network shattering and expanding. Like I can feel new synapses firing and new pathways generating. The biggest change I’ve seen is my ability to separate myself from the emotion of a situation and be more thoughtful about my response. I’m able to respond from more than just my initial impulses.

“In life, you have these fantasies of the perfect thing that could happen. You go to see your favorite band and it’s fantastic, or the perfect house becomes available out of the blue and you’re able to buy it. That’s what coaching with Emma is. It’s that rare, perfect thing. If you’re thinking about it, DO THIS THING! It’s a gift for yourself, and as you become better, happier, more functional, it’s a gift to the rest of the universe too. 

– Rachel B

Get Started With Coaching With Me

Other things we might have in common

You have a recent ADHD diagnosis, or a long-standing diagnosis that you’ve mostly ignored, or no diagnosis but a strong suspicion, or no suspicion but you have ADHD in your family and you just happen to resonate with a lot of what I’ve written here.

You long to pursue creative or service-oriented projects that really matter to you, but are unable to make time for them because you feel like you’re always treading water.

You always feel like an oddball, a square peg in a round hole, even though you know a lot of people love you.

You were in the Gifted program in grade school.

You were a band, theater, choir, or debate nerd.

You cry easily. You laugh easily. And maybe you get mad easily too!

You love astrology, tarot, and science fiction. 

You love animals or at the very least, your very own dear smoosh-face. (Here’s mine!)

Other things we might have in common

You have a recent ADHD diagnosis, or a long-standing diagnosis that you’ve mostly ignored, or no diagnosis but a strong suspicion, or no suspicion but you have ADHD in your family and you just happen to resonate with a lot of what I’ve written here.

You long to pursue creative or service-oriented projects that really matter to you, but are unable to make time for them because you feel like you’re always treading water.

You always feel like an oddball, a square peg in a round hole, even though you know a lot of people love you.

You were in the Gifted program in grade school.

You were a band, theater, choir, or debate nerd.

You cry easily. You laugh easily. And maybe you get mad easily too!

You love astrology, tarot, and science fiction.

You love animals or at the very least, your very own dear smoosh-face. (Here’s mine!) ->

Beloved Friend, you are a woman of POWERFUL GIFTS

The world needs people like you. This aching world needs your insight, mental flexibility, compassion, energy, humor, brilliance, and yes, your sensitivity

That being said, YOU need you first

Thanks so much for reading. Click here to access a couple of delicious free resources from me that have already helped dozens of ADHD women. Drop me a line anytime.


Get Started with Me

Low Cost & No Cost Resources

A low-lift way to finally start tending your ADHD

Group Coaching

My flagship anti-procrastination program for ADHD Women: Get It Done 101

1:1 Coaching with Emma

Exquisitely supportive Life Coaching, perfectly tailored to your unique brain

Get Started with Me

Low Cost & No Cost Resources

A low-lift way to finally start tending your ADHD

Group Coaching

My flagship anti-procrastination program for ADHD Women: Get It Done 101

1:1 Coaching with Emma

Exquisitely supportive Life Coaching, perfectly tailored to your unique brain