Emma Magenta Coaching

I’ve written before about how much I love The Fool card from a Tarot deck. Part of the romance of that card is that she looks so unencumbered. Dancing on the edge of a cliff, footloose and fancy-free!

But the truth is that The Fool is packing some serious heat. She carries with her all kinds of powers and potencies.

The Fool is aware of some of these powers. But just like you and me, she’s ignorant of others–she doesn’t even know she has them!

How is it possible that we don’t even know we have marvelous powers? 

Well, sometimes we forget them, like a tube of chapstick fallen to the bottom of your rucksack.

Sometimes our powers are very recently developed, like when you suddenly realize your weightlifting has given you the ability to carry two bags of groceries.

Sometimes we never even knew we had these powers–they show up like an unexpected inheritance.

So here’s a little reminder to you of four magnificent, magical powers you’ve had all along.

Magical Powers Card

1. The Power to Feel

Ever wish you could just be numb? You’re not alone–sometimes numbness is the only way to survive a bad situation.

But when numbness is your default setting, you’re missing out. Because interoception, your ability to feel things within yourself, is an extremely potent magical tool.

Interoception is the part of your awareness that tells you things like…

  • which emotion is coming up for you-
  • whether a particular person or situation is safe-
  • when it’s time to go to the bathroom-
  • what resources and threats are present in your environment-
  • when you’re hungry and when you’re full

(That last one is part of why dieting is poor magic–it disconnects you from your ability to feel. But that’s another essay.)

In the mystical universe of a Tarot deck, your feeling superpower is associated with the suit of Cups, and the element of water.

Watery Cups are all about emotions, sensations, fluidity, sensitivity, connections. When you’re connected to your ability to feel, you’re alive to whatever is present in your environment. And that’s a prerequisite to working magic!

2. The Power to Want

Ah, desire is so powerful. And so subversive!

Think about the Seven Deadly Sins–they’re mainly about wanting more.

  • Lust is about wanting more sex.
  • Greed is about wanting more money.
  • Envy is about wanting what somebody else has.
  • Gluttony is about wanting more food.
  • Sloth is about wanting more rest.

Believe me, the racist, homophobic, fatphobic, sexist, capitalist forces at play in this world WANT you to think that wanting is sinful!

Because when disempowered people get clear on what they want, they’re more likely to start asking for it, whether it’s in Congress, in the streets, at the table, or in the bedroom.

Wanting is part of the magic of creating change.

Wanting is such powerful alchemy that I like to associate it with the Tarot suit of Wands, the element of Fire. Take hold of your fiery desire and work magic with it!

(Pro-tip–you’re going to need power #1 to access power #2.)

3. The Power to Cuttt

As a nasty woman, this one’s my favorite.

In a Tarot deck, the Queen of Swords is one tough broad–she’s not going around with a pussycat like the Queen of Wands, or dabbling her toes in the water like the Queen of Cups (not that I don’t love those bitches too).

This Queen has her sword up and she’s got the other arm raised as if to say, “Bring it!” or “Not One More!” or “Swarm, swarm, my minions!” or “I’ll take the hazelnut macaroons–but NOT the raspberry!”

You have within you the power to cutttttt. You can say no. Set boundaries. Use your razor-sharp discernment. You can cut a bitch, or a ratbastard, or an oppressive cultural institution, depending on what the situation calls for.

4. The Power to Create

  • You might create a new business.
  • You might bake a cake.
  • You might create a movement.
  • You might create a new Insta account.
  • You might create a whole-ass human being out of your own flesh.
  • You might create a relationship.
  • You might create an entirely new life for yourself!

This is magic at its very hottest, when the spark of your wanting ignites the deep waters of your heart to alter the very fabric of material reality.

In Tarot, material reality is associated with the earthy suit of Pentacles. Pentacle magic–altering material reality–is energetically expensive.

Let me put it more bluntly: creation makes you tired AF. Even when it’s also exhilarating! Everybody knows this about making a baby, but it is also very tiring work to gestate and birth a dream.

My dear mentor and friend, coach Natalie Miller, introduced me to this fantastic quote from Gretchen Rubin: “To ask more of myself, I must give more to myself.”

So when you’re ready to flex your power to create, you’re going to need to lean on

  • …your power to feel what’s most important
  • …your power to desire something new
  • …your power to cut away that which doesn’t serve you


…your power to give to yourself.

As Glenda said to Dorothy, “You had the power all along, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself!”

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