a better ear than your friends

You’re struggling with something. 

You talk to a friend about it. 

“I know exactly what you’re going through!”
she says. She tells a long story from her past
that is kinda similar to your situation. 

KINDA. But not exactly.
After all, your situation is specific to you.
At the end of the conversation,
you’re grateful for her warm concern,
but not any closer to figuring things out. 

You talk to someone else;
another friend, or your sister, or a work pal. 

She offers advice. 

“You should totally…”
“If I were you I would…”
“Ugh, you need to tell him that…”

The advice makes sense.
But it doesn’t quite mesh with who you are.
You know your friend cares about you.
But at the end of the conversation,
you just feel more confused. 

You try another friend;
She listens carefully, and thankfully
doesn’t tell you what to do. 

But after 20 minutes, you sense her restlessness.
You catch yourself—you’ve been talking a long time!
You don’t wanna be rude.
So you wrap up your story, shrug,
and say, “But enough about me.
What’s going on with you?”

Sound familiar? 

I’m gonna say something that may sound d!ckish. 

/// You deserve a better ear than your friends. 

I’m sure your friends are lovely.
MY friends are lovely!
We love our friends.
You trust them, you love hearing their insights,
you’re so grateful for their compassion and kindness.
They only want the best for you!

BUT… they bring their own baggage.
A whole set of desires, anxieties, mental blocks,
personal experiences, that are all too easy to project onto you. 

Not to mention that they might be good friends,
who really care about you, and yet
not be that skilled at listening.

All of this counts QUADRUPLE for your family—
if you are expecting your FAMILY to coach you,
you are in the weeds my friend!

Maybe it’s time to stop hoping your
friends or family have the answer,
and invest in yourself. 

Because on one level, you know that
// getting unstuck is going to require more
than 20 minutes over coffee. //

You need a space where the focus is fully on you.
You need time to thoroughly unpack the problem.
You need skillful questions to help you figure out
how you feel, what you think, and what to do. 

That’s exactly what you get when you sign up for Sweet Relief, my three-month private coaching package. 

Through one-on-one calls and anytime messaging, you’ll get:  

💡Greater clarity about your situation, so that you know what YOU think and feel about it, apart from others opinions

 🎯 The confidence to truly name and claim your desires, so that you know what you WANT

💥 A heightened sense of empowerment and agency, so you’re able to take meaningful ACTION toward your dreams

🌈 Overall greater happiness, pleasure, and wholeness in your life, as you get better at living your values 

🍒 I’m just gonna say it–better sex and more money are indeed side effects of this work!

If you’re ready for crystal clarity and full empowerment—WHATEVER your issue— book a call!

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