Emma Magenta Coaching

Are you super busy?

// Do you have to be? //

I know, the knee-jerk answer to this is “YES!”

“Yes goddammit, I am raising these childrenand working this joband trying to be a good friendand a good family memberand a good neighborand a good, ethical citizen of the world,and I take all these responsibilitiesvery seriously! They are allvery important to me, some of theminvolve the lives of people I loveand the survival of human beings on the planetand yes, I damn well have to be this busy!”

You might even feel kind of mad at mefor asking this question.

(Even though I am literally asking it,totally randomly,to a few dozen people on the internet,one of whom might be you.)

What might it be liketo pause and feel into the spaceBEYOND the knee-jerk reaction?

What might it be liketo really sit with this question,to ask it of yourself more than once?

What might it be like to wait formultiple answers to come back?

What might it be like to askvarious parts of your body?(“Spleen, do we have to be this busy?”)

What might it be like to askhistorical versions of you?(“College self, did you have to be that busy?”)

Because this questionseems like a no-brainer.

But it just might hold the key toa lot more joyin this outrageous, singular life you’re living.

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If this question makes you feel scared, irritated, or despairing…but also strangely intrigued, you could probably benefit from coaching. Get in touch with me!