I Just Can’t Be Swedish

I was watching this cool documentary about Swedish pop music producers. Did you know that many of the big pop songs of the ‘90s were produced by Swedes? Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Celine Dion, Bryan Adams… They all worked with Swedish production companies. The documentary delved into what it is about the Swedish national […]
Off the Mindf*ck Train

Does this ever happen to you? You sit down to work on a project. Your attention is caught by something slightly /adjacent/ to the project. And maybe that thing opens up a question. Which leads to another question… Which leads to ANOTHER question. And so on and so on. Until you’re sitting there thinking, […]
Hello, weirdo.

To look or speak or think or act differently from the norm is often painful. Especially when we’re young. When we are children, young adults, we want to fit in. No matter how old we are, we want to belong. We want to feel that we belong on this planet, with these people, in these […]
I endorse fantasizing.

As a life coach, I heartily, HEARTILY endorse fantasizing. “Fantasize” is a word that has some slightly unsavory, possibly lazy? possibly erotic? connotations. Like, you don’t hear a lot of people saying, “oh yeah I’m gonna stay home and do some serious fantasizing this weekend.“ I guess the cooler way to describe it is “visioning“. […]
I’m on a podcast!

Hi Friends! Recently I was so honored to be on the podcast of my friend and mentor, Coach Natalie Miller. Her pod is called Mindwitchery, and if you don’t already know about it you MUST give it a listen—Natalie seasons her powerful coaching with delicious witchiness and feminist badassery. The topic we discuss in this […]