“Emma, You Have Low Self-Esteem”

Many years ago I had a therapist. I was reeling off my usual tale of woe. She said, “Emma, seems like you have pretty low self-esteem.” I was like, “Yeah. Yeah, I do have pretty low self-esteem.” She said, “What are you gonna do about it?” At the time I felt totally irritated… What was […]
I’m not a good coach cause I’m smart.

You need a thinking partner. Even if you’re smart. ESPECIALLY if you’re smart. See, the smarter you are, the better you are at rationalizing your beliefs. As I’ve mentioned before in this space, beliefs are laid down pretty early in your life – they are your brain’s attempt to make meaning of your circumstances. As […]
Today I Had To Cut Off My Wedding Ring

Today I had to cut my wedding ring off. My pandemic survival strategy was this: Get coaching. Lift weights. Practice Intuitive Eating. Practice loving myself no matter what. Like everyone else, I lost a lot during the pandemic—a sense of security, connection to my community, a beloved pet, and a precious family member. And I […]
Untrashing Your Inner Environment

Do you remember this phrase from elementary school science class? “The solution to pollution is dilution.” A single tablespoon of arsenic in your coffee cup is deadly. A single tablespoon of arsenic in a city’s water supply is fine. Your inner environment is similar. If you have a lot of shitty mental patterns (thoughts and […]
How Tarot is Useful

Let me tell you something – – most of the time in life, the part of you that you think of as “rational“ is not driving the bus. Mostly, our actions are driven by beliefs and perspectives that were laid down before we even had language, when we were very small children or even babies. […]