Ready for Season Two of ADHD Magic? SEASON TWO: INKLING “Could I maybe have…?” “That…kinda sounds like me but can’t be.” Sometimes this season lasts YEARS. The awareness pops up when you happen to read an article about ADHD, but you push it back down like a beach ball in a swimming pool. Sometimes this […]

I figured out there are SEVEN SEASONS ADHD women pass through, as we come to terms with our neurodivergence. Or as I like to think of it, as we get better and better at living our ADHD Magic. Like Kubler-Ross’s seven stages of grief, the Seasons of ADHD Magic are not actually linear or progressive. […]
Why You’re Not Doing That Thing

Why aren’t you doing what you know you need to do? For a lot of my clients, the short answer is “ADHD.“ And that is a great short answer to know, and to keep reminding yourself. // SIDEBAR // This may seem super-obvious, but I have had so many clients say to me, “I don’t […]
Calling ADHD women

Hey, can you help me out with something? I’m on a mission to interview /one hundred/ ADHD women about their experience of ADHD. Would you be willing to be a part of my research? 👉 “I dunno, what’s involved?” You click my calendar link below to book a 30-minute Research Call. At the appointed […]
Do You Mask?

“I should write a post about ADHD masking,” I said to myself. In case you don’t know, MASKING is the attempt to hide, suppress, and/or overcompensate for ADHD traits in order to appear neurotypical. “What kinds of things do I hear from my ADHD clients about masking?” I put a pencil to my temple, connected […]