If You’re Anything Like Me

If you’re anything like me… you hoped your problems would sort themselves out in time. Now in your 40s or 50s, you’re finally getting thatTHIS SH!T DOESNT WORK ITSELF OUT. You find yourself thinking, “I thought I’dfeel better in my life by now.” If you’re anything like me… you’ve tried to browbeat yourself into being […]
Funny Hobbit Face

I’ve been posting a lot of videos on Instagram lately.And OMFG, it has been SO HARD and SO EASY. It’s EASY because: 1. Before I started making the videos, I did a ton of work (like, YEARS) with my coaches, prepping myself to be more visible in public. I worked very hard to internalize the […]
Out of Your Head

Last week I told you about the first, most crucial skill you need to learn if you want to improve your mindset— the technical term is metacognition, but it’s really just…noticing your thoughts. Today I wanna teach you something that takes metacognition to the next level, and makes it way more effective! The technical term […]
Mindset 101

MINDSET, my Beloved Friend. Want a better one? One that, like, empowers and sustains you? Rather than one that demoralizes Okay. Here’s a FOUNDATIONAL MINDSET TOOL. This tool has been proven, over and over again by psychologists,to improve the outcomes in people’s lives. We’re talking better relationships, greater happiness, more effectiveness at work, fulfilled dreams, more […]
Ditch These Three

As a Life Coach, I want you to be chock-full of ideas and beliefs that move you in the direction of your dreams. And these ideas…um…DON’T. 1) “I should be able to stop/control my thoughts.” Back when I was a yoga teacher, people used to say to me, “I couldn’t stop thinking during meditation.” Yes, […]