You’re Invited

INVITATION TO WORK WITH ME If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you’ve been reading my stuff for awhile now. And we vibe! So I bet I could really help you. You know, with THAT THING, the one you’ve been stuck on. The one that you know, deep down inside, you need help with. /// […]
Don’t Bother

Beloved friend, don’t bother trying to talk yourself OUT of your feelings. Don’t bother with: “Oh that’s so unreasonable” OR“That’s not very nice of me” OR“I have no right to feel this way” OR“I should be more charitable” OR“Good girls don’t think that about theirhusbands/parents/bosses/co-workers/siblings/aunties/whatever” Okay? Don’t bother! It’s pointless. Your feelings are GOD-GIVEN.Or if […]
Your Inner Hater

You know that nasty voice you have in your head? The one that’s constantly telling you how sh!tty you are? How foolish your choices are, and how you always f$@k things up? I work on this voice a lot, with myself and in my Life Coaching practice. One of my clients calls this voice her […]
These Shorts Are Smelly

We often deal with painful thoughts as if they’re smelly gym shorts. Imagine that your teenager, Jesse, comes home with a smelly pair of gym shorts. They smell so bad that Jesse wraps them up in a less-smelly gym shirt and stuffs them underneath a bunch of other clothes at the bottom of the hamper. […]
no matter what, YOU’RE WRONG

You’re at a meeting.You present an idea. Nobody notices. Five minutes later, “Brad” offers the same idea with slightly different wording. Everyone is wowed. Inside you are so freaking irritated. Your workplace is supposed to be progressive,that’s part of why you took this job. But this kind of bullsh!t is always happening. Normally you roll […]