Emma Magenta Coaching

If you’re reading this, my guess is you’re one smart cookie. The women who like my work tend to be smart AF. Even, dare I say, brilliant. 

  • Yep, even though you may have struggled in school, especially when the homework expectations kicked in.
  • Yep, even though you may look around your house and wonder how anybody manages to maintain a household. 
  • Yep, even though it takes you twice as long as everyone else to do what needs to be done at work.

Know this: ADHDers have EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING issues. Not INTELLIGENCE issues.

  • School may have been hard, but I bet you often amazed your teachers.
  • Your home looks like a hurricane hit it, but you’re brilliant at (fill in the blank).
  • Work is deeply draining, but you’re highly accomplished in your field.

Because you’re smart, you’ve probably tried MANY THINGS over the years to address your ADHD issues. 

Even before you knew what ADHD was!

You’ve tried planners, and self-imposed deadlines, and powering through burnout, and strict routines, and no routines, and, and, and…

…to no avail. They worked for a little while and failed. Or they ruined your health. Or they became another cruel stick to beat yourself with. 

So I bet you’re wondering, when I tell you that my work transforms my clients’ lives, HOW THE HECK I DO IT.

Whelp, there are four things I’m constantly working on with them, and here they are:

  1. Mindsets
  2. Strategies
  3. Tools
  4. Skills

Here’s how these work together:

1. Mindsets I say this from bitter experience: mindset coaching alone is NOT ENOUGH for ADHDers. But it IS a very important starting point. Without self-compassion, warm curiosity, faith in your ability to change, and a commitment to self-love, you’ll find it’s very difficult to get a handle on your ADHD issues. 

These are muscles, and we build them slowly over time. You don’t have to have them all figured out before tackling other challenges, but the stronger they get, the easier everything else becomes.

2. Strategies Strategies are long-term frameworks for change—the kind of big-picture plans that are enacted over months, not days. Strategies might include deciding which problems to focus on first, creating a sustainable structure for your weeks, or mapping out how you’ll gradually integrate routines into your life.

With ADHD, mastering a skill or creating a routine doesn’t happen overnight. It takes weeks of consistent practice and experimentation to see real change. Strategies are what keep you focused on the big picture, so you can weather the ups and downs of growth.

3. Tools Now, let’s talk tools. These are the practical things that help you make your strategies work—apps, planners, timers, medication, body-doubling, whatever fits your life. Tools are awesome, but they’re only as good as the strategies they’re supporting. (This is why the planner tool doesn’t always work for us. It’s the wrong tool.)

4. Skills Finally, we’ve got skills. These take time to build, but they’re what make everything else actually work. The thing is, you’re SMART. Your intelligence is HIGH. But your executive functions are not as well-developed as your intelligence. So during your life, it’s been very hard for you to master certain executive functioning skills. 

Skills like planning, prioritizing, getting started, focusing, processing emotions, managing your energy levels are what you develop as you practice using your tools and strategies persistently.

Chances are good you already have some of these. There are probably already some strategies, skills, mindsets, and tools that are working for you.

But if you’re reading this, I bet you need more.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to have a warm, expert guide right by your side…

…patiently untangling your ineffective mindsets…guiding you to develop strategies that actually work for your very specific ADHD brain…introducing you to better tools…cheering you on as you build new skills.  

Can you imagine how freaking effective that would be? 

Whelp, that’s me. I’m the warm, expert guide! That’s how my work radically changes my clients’ lives. 

And that’s why my current roster is so full that I’m putting people on a waitlist to work with me in 2025.

👉 If my work appeals to you, you need to be on my waitlist for one to one coaching in 2025. 👈

Enrollment opens on January 21, and people on the waitlist will get special discounts, bonuses and perks I don’t offer anywhere else.

Click here to hop on! 

I can’t wait to support you. 

Big Hug,Emma