biggest ADHD mistake

I’ve not only coached dozens of ADHD women.
I’ve interviewed hundreds.

And at this point, after years of purposefully hanging out in ADHD online spaces, I’ve probably seen thousands of posts from ADHD women.

And of course, I’m an ADHD woman myself, I’ve been surrounded by ADHD family and friends my entire life. 

Let me tell you the BIGGEST mindset mistake I see:

It’s thinking ADHD can’t get better. 

Now, a few caveats. 

  1. By “better” I don’t mean that you have a sickness, and your sickness will be healed!
    If you follow my work, you know I don’t regard ADHD as a “disorder”. I regard it as a neurotype, a style of brain function.
    While this neurotype can be disabling, it’s not intrinsically pathological. In fact, ADHD brains are some of the most creative, penetrating minds I know!
    So no, you don’t have a sickness–you have an unconventional mind. And if you’re a grown woman, and you’ve been ADHD all this time, you’re not going to suddenly shed that mind and grow a different one.
  2. What I mean by “better“ is that you can get more skillful at navigating life as an ADHD person. Your LIFE can get better!

  • You can feel happier, more powerful, more confident.
  • You can feel more beloved and connected in your relationships.
  • You can feel more effective and in control in your professional life.
  • You can have a home that is a comfortable haven for you, not a minefield of overwhelming clutter and unfinished projects.
  • You can have a more fulfilling seccs life.
  • You can have a financial life that is organized and coherent.
  • You can manage your healthcare in a way that reflects the reality that you are precious and you matter.

Your life can improve in ALL of those dimensions!!

But in order to get there, you need three things:

1. You need to ACKNOWLEDGE THE REALITY that ADHD is real, that you have it, that it creates genuine problems in your life.

2. You need to believe that things can get better! Better doesn’t mean “more neurotypical”. Better means adapted to the reality of your neurodivergence. If you do not believe things can improve, it is much, MUCH harder to improve them. 

3. You need support! Resources, helpers, information, systems, structures.

That last one is where I come in.

My passion is helping ADHD women make the mindset shifts and create the systems they need to make their lives BETTER.

If you’re ready to start getting some traction in your life, book a free Discovery Call with me. 

And let me show you what’s possible for you. 


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