Straight to Hell

Recently, I was preparing for an event. I was VERY ANXIOUS about it for reasons which are private. While I was getting ready, I found myself thinking a bunch of thoughts about why the event was going to go badly. You know, the usual— “Nobody likes me.”“Everybody hates me.”“I guess I’ll go eat worms.” I […]

Many years ago at a party, I met a beautiful woman and her son. She was a young single mom, and her child was radiant. He was about four years old, had a gorgeous halo of hair and an infectious smile. He was whip-smart, and even at that age, he had CHARISMA. She and I […]
Perfectly nice! STILL NO F*CKS

I cultivate a “give no f*cks” attitude about haters. Know what’s WAY HARDER than not caring about haters? Not caring about the opinions of perfectly nice people. You know who I mean… – That supersmart presenter you met at a conference.- That work friend from two jobs ago who is such a sweetheart.- That lady […]
My Favorite Prayer

During my childhood, I learned a lot about spirituality from my father. Not because he was religious. He hardly ever quoted scripture, and our family prayers were nominally Episcopalian, i.e, barely prayers. No, he wasn’t religious, but I learned about spirituality from him because of the way that he interacted with his environment. My father […]
DON’T be indispensable! it’s the worst

Have you ever been in a situationwhere you thought you were indispensableand it turned out thatyou totally f*cking weren’t? { curtain up } A friend of mine, a former yoga teacher and studio owner,taught a very successful class on Sunday mornings. Her students adored her.The class was packed, week after week, year after year.Anytime she […]