stop doing hard things!
My dear, For the love of god, please stop trying to do hard things! I know, Glennon Doyle says “we can do hard things” and all the memes and coaches and religions out there tell us about the importance of hard work. But you gotta understand, for most of us ADHD women, BASIC THINGS ARE […]
you’re not a failure bb!
I wish I had a nickel for every ADHD woman who told me through tears what a failure she is. Meanwhile… 👇 I ask her about her educational history, her professional life, and her relationships… …and she has an enormous set of accomplishments to her credit! In fact, many ADHD women feel like worthless frauds, […]
there are 12 ADHD Domains
If you follow me on socials, you know that I recently started talking more about what I call 12 Domains of Care for ADHD Women. The 12 Domains don’t come from medical professionals or scientific researchers (although I value their insights into ADHD). No, this list coalesced in my mind after hundreds of conversations with […]
you’re not lazy. You’re overworking!
Virtually every ADHD woman I know overworks. Yet virtually every ADHD woman I know thinks she’s lazy. Is this you? Lemme explain why this happens to us. ⬇️ ADHD women have a million experiences of INCOMPETENCE over the course of our lives. These start from their earliest memories (and even pre-memory), and extend all the […]
we gotta be brave
In my ADHD journey, I’ve had to take enormous, terrifying leaps of faith. I wanna give you some examples, because all too often, it’s hard for us ADHD women to know what progress looks like, on this ADHD journey. So: first terrifying thing I had to do was— 1️⃣I had to admit my ADHD-related problems […]