Hey, can you help me out with something?
I’m on a mission to interview /one hundred/ ADHD women about their experience of ADHD.
Would you be willing to be a part of my research?
“I dunno, what’s involved?”
You click my calendar link below to book a 30-minute Research Call. At the appointed time, I’ll call you on the phone and ask you about ten questions about your ADHD. The conversation is utterly private and confidential.
“So what’s in it for me?”
Three things, possibly.
- The dominant cultural narrative around ADHD centers boys in school, not women in mid-life. Many of the women I talk to don’t have any outlets for talking about their ADHD. Their experiences are very personal, sometimes painful, and complex. Talking to a sympathetic, sensitive, ADHD-informed ear can be freeing, affirming, consoling. You’re not alone!
- For the first 20 minutes of the call, I’ll be asking you questions about your ADHD. In the last ten minutes, I’ll invite YOU to ask ME anything about ADHD! Other women have asked me questions specifically about topics like: ADHD in women, late diagnosis, ADHD and hormones, diagnosis and self-diagnosis, how to find resources, non-medication approaches for ADHD, how to explain ADHD to loved ones or at work, how to handle specific executive function issues, etc.
- If you’ve ever been interested in my work, it’s a low-key way to connect with me. I would love to talk with you! I was a “talks too much in class” kinda ADHD girl, and I still love gabbing.
“Okay, but what’s in it for you, Emma?”
I’m a Life Coach who noticed that 90% of her clients are ADHD women. I’m an ADHD woman myself, and clearly I’m emitting some kind of ADHD woman bat signal! I want to be an even better coach for women like us. I want my offerings to be as impactful as possible, to truly shift what feels sh!tty about life as an ADHD woman.
I think these interviews, and what I learn from them, will shape my work as a coach for years to come.
Thanks for considering my offer!