Emma Magenta Coaching

As a life coach, I heartily, HEARTILY endorse fantasizing.

“Fantasize” is a word that has some slightly unsavory, possibly lazy? possibly erotic? connotations.

Like, you don’t hear a lot of people saying, “oh yeah I’m gonna stay home and do some serious fantasizing this weekend.“

I guess the cooler way to describe it is “visioning“.

However, I LIKE the slightly unsavory, and YES borderline sensuous implications of fantasizing.

When you’re thinking about:

– the exact kind of work you want to do in your next job

– exactly what kind of pajamas will help you feel luxurious in your bedtime ritual

– the exact vacation you want to take post-pandemic

– the exact strategy you’re going to implement in your business

…it is way more exciting to allow yourself to lean into the sensuousness of picturing it being EXACTLY how you want it.

All too often, people cut themselves off from EVEN FANTASIZING because they think, “well, I’ll never get exactly what I want, so…”

Fuck that.


Here are other upsides to fantasizing:

– It’s actively pleasurable! Don’t believe me? BISH, TRY IT.

– It helps you figure out what you want. Is your brain telling you that you want sensible cotton, but when you close your eyes and imagine your jammies, they’re always silk or satin? You just learned something about what you really want!

– The minute…and I mean THE MINUTE…your heart lands on your perfect fantasy…your MIND will get to work on doing what it does best: strategizing. Strategizing on HOW TO FUCKING GET IT.
(That’s a good use for a brain. Brains… are NOT good for choosing your hearts desire. That’s why it’s called “your heart’s desire“. Brains are good for strategizing about HOW you’re going to get your heart’s desire.)

– Lastly, and yes, now I’m gonna get woowoo: when you allow yourself to admit what you really want…to feel the delicious sensuousness of your desire…the Universe starts moving it toward you.

Doesn’t all this sound kind of, I dunno, hot?

Yes, that’s because it is hot!

It’s hot to want things,
hot to imagine getting them,
hot to strategize about how to get them,
hot to implement your strategy, and especially hot to finally get them!

Believe me—Warren Buffet fantasizes about stocks.

I’m no genius, but I’ve been on this planet for 44 years, been married for 20, I’m on my fifth successful career, and I can tell you: FANTASIZING IS GOOD.

Allow yourself to have a filthy hot fantasy about your next job.

Nobody has to know why you’re smiling that way.


Is it hard to even IMAGINE getting what you want? That’s pretty common, unfortch. My job as a coach is to help you GETTTT ITTTT. Click here to get started.