If you’re anything like me…
you hoped your problems would sort themselves out in time. Now in your 40s or 50s, you’re finally getting thatTHIS SH!T DOESNT WORK ITSELF OUT. You find yourself thinking, “I thought I’dfeel better in my life by now.”
If you’re anything like me…
you’ve tried to browbeat yourself into being a different person. “I just need to try harder, push more, work harder, then I will feel differently about myself and my life. Once I attain [goal], I will feel better about myself.”
If you’re anything like me…
the browbeating ISN’T WORKING and also feels more and more painful. “I tortured myselfto attain that particular goal, but I feel worse than ever about myself.”
If you’re anything like me…
You wonder if this is ALL THERE IS to your life, whether you’ll EVER feel differentlyabout yourself, whether you’ll EVER resolve any of your issues. Whether you’ll EVER feel at peace with yourself. “I CANNOT keep going this way!”
BUT if you’re anything like me…
you CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE a way of relating to yourself, of being in your life,that does not involve either hoping for change or beating yourself up.
/// My beloved friend, time’s up. ///
on these ineffective, punishing strategies!
You’ve got the rest of your life to live. You cannot keep living it this way!
You cannot keep browbeating yourself, punishing yourself, or crossing your fingers and hoping it will all go away. It’s time for new strategies. New growth. New contracts with all your various parts.
And I can promise you that while you will first have to make a mess—
(because it is not easy to change the deeply held patterns that have been running your life into the ground)—
… there is a whole New World on the other side of the demolition! A renewed self and a new life.
A life in which you can experience wonder and joy and awe—feelings you may have thought just aren’t a part of Adult Life.
One last one—if you’re anything like me, you cannot travel this path alone. You need a friend, an ally, a coach (that’s me!). Someone who has traveled this road before, for herself and with many others.
Does this post speak to you?
Then it’s time to speak to me.
Let’s get on the phone and see what’s waiting for you.