Emma Magenta Coaching

MINDSET, my Beloved Friend.

Want a better one? One that, like, empowers and sustains you? 🤩Rather than one that demoralizes 😩


This tool has been proven, over and over again by psychologists,to improve the outcomes in people’s lives.

We’re talking ❤️ better relationships,🤗 greater happiness, 🏃🏽‍♀️ more effectiveness at work, 🌈 fulfilled dreams, 🦄 more meaningful and joyful lives.

This tool is the root of pretty much anything, ANYTHING you might do to improve your mindset. It’s also the root of many meditation practices. AND it’s something I need to teach you before I can teach you other cool stuff!

Now, a caveat before the big reveal:

When I share this with you, you may very well be like, “That’s nothing fancy. I already do that.”

And it’s true! Even if you’ve never done any coaching, meditation, or deliberate mindset work, you probably do a VERSION of this. More on that in a minute.


👉 Notice what you’re thinking. 👈

The technical term for this is METACOGNITION.

Seems simple, right? But it’s big! And you can practice it right now! At the end of the next paragraph, put down your phone and stare off into space for a coupla minutes. (If you want, you can set a timer.)

During that time, notice—REALLY NOTICE— what it is that you’re thinking. What thoughts are going through your head? Maybe they’re words, spoken or text. Maybe they’re images. Maybe sensations or memories. Maybe they have feelings attached to them. // Whatever they are, just notice them. //

Okay. You back?

Yes, you already do a version of this. You have moments where you think, “Gee that was a weird thought.” Or “God I’m really down on myself right now.” Or “I can’t stop replaying what happened in my head.”

In this post, I’m inviting you to do THAT—what you’re already doing—in a far more deliberate and mindful way.

It’s kind of like the difference between…

…being vaguely aware of the weather as you bustle around on a busy day, mostly paying attention to other things


…standing in the doorway of your house, looking out over your backyard or the street or the view, really drinking in the rain, or the color of the sky, or the fresh and beautiful morning light, or the softly falling snow.

Get it?

In both circumstances you’re aware of the weather.

But in the latter scenario you are a way more engaged, curious, present witness.


One last thing.

Metacognition is so impactful because it gets what is normally in the background of your mind, into the foreground.

And THAT is a HUGE part of why coaching works.

If you’re ready to upgrade your mindset,And you know you need more help than you can get from a Facebook post, set up a free Discovery Call with me. Let’s see what’s possible for you! Click here. 
