I cultivate a “give no f*cks” attitude about haters.
Know what’s WAY HARDER than not caring about haters?
Not caring about the opinions of perfectly nice people.
You know who I mean…
– That supersmart presenter you met at a conference.- That work friend from two jobs ago who is such a sweetheart.- That lady who once kind of implied she might hire you.- Your godmother.- Your boss’s sister who you met once and really liked.- Your yoga teacher’s yoga teacher.- Your favorite cousin.- The friend you slowly stopped seeing because your interests no longer quite align.- The helpful lady who runs your knitting circle.- The friend of a friend who is always happy to offer you an edible.- You kid’s best friend’s mom.
Y’know, WHOEVER.A random assortment of VERY NICE people.
They’re perfectly nice,they wish you well,you would greet them happily if you ran into them on the street.
And yet…
They don’t always understandwhat you do or how you do it.
Sometimes they even drop hintsthat they don’t approve of you or what you’re doing.
Here’s the thing to remember—
They aren’t living your life.They don’t know your Deepest Self.They aren’t the Bearers of Your Magic.So they don’t get to decide what’s right for you,any more than haters do.
Unlike haters, you might regard them withaffection and respect.
But like haters, you can “give no f*cks” about their opinions.
(A final word:OF COURSE you care.Of course you give f*cks.You’re human!The trick is not letting the “caring-way-too-much-about-the-meaningless-opinions-of-relative-strangers” part of youdrive the chariot of your life.)
~ ~ * ! * ~ ~As the Bearer of Your Magic, YOUR OPINION is the one that counts most. If you’re having a hard time sorting out your inner voice from the voices of Everyone Else, you could probably use a coach. Hit me up!