My dear ADHD friend, I haven’t seen your To Do list, but I can tell you right now:
“Wait, WTF?” you may be thinking. “She’s an ADHD coach! Isn’t she supposed to be HELPING me do all this?”
Sorry! I can’t bend the space/time continuum. And pretending you can do EVERYTHING is doing you a profound disservice.
For one thing, pretending you can do everything is driving you into the ground with stress and overwhelm.
For another thing, it’s sustaining the illusion that if you just learned some productivity tips or efficiency hacks you’d be able to accomplish what’s on your list.
You won’t. Because your list is B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Here’s something you need to know:
Your To Do list is out of control because you’re not so great at prioritizing.
Because you’re not great at prioritizing, everything seems equally important to you.
Because everything seems equally important, you don’t set limits on the expectations placed on you, by yourself or by others.
And because you don’t set limits, YOUR LIFE FORCE is constantly draining away like a bucket with a hole in the bottom.
You wonder why your energetic bank account is so low… when you’ve done the energetic equivalent of posting your PIN number online!
Now, here’s the deal:
I know. If you were with me right now, you’d probably tell me that
Everything is very important! I can’t possibly reduce the number of things I do or am responsible for! I’ve got KIDS for god’s sake, and a mortgage!
Have you considered that when everything is important, nothing is identifiably important enough to do first?
This is why your life feels totally out of control.
ADHD makes it HARD for you to perceive the relative importance of things.
So your life doesn’t just feel out of control because you can’t manage what’s on your plate.
Your life feels out of control because you don’t know HOW to manage what GETS PUT on your plate.
My friend, I say this with so much deep care in my heart…
This will kill you.
Trying to do this will literally shorten your life.
Please, please, please.
Give up trying to do all this.
Please give up.
And if you can’t even imagine how, you need to join me and 20 other ADHD women in ADHD Upgrade, my upcoming group experience.
Here’s what you need to know about it:
- Enrollment opens on Feb 25th at 7am.
- There are only 20 spots available, and it’s likely they will sell out quickly.
- Program kicks off on March 20 and runs for 12 weeks.
Given the limited spots available, I strongly encourage you to enroll in ADHD Upgrade as soon as the doors open. Click here to add the “Doors Open” date to your calendar!