Emma Magenta Coaching

I figured out there are SEVEN SEASONS ADHD women pass through, as we come to terms with our neurodivergence. Or as I like to think of it, as we get better and better at living our ADHD Magic.

Like Kubler-Ross’s seven stages of grief, the Seasons of ADHD Magic are not actually linear or progressive. We ADHD women pass through these seasons multiple times over the course of a lifetime, or even an afternoon!

But you know the old saying: “All models are wrong, but some are useful.” And I think this model’s gonna be super useful to you.

Because I can’t resist, I’ve chosen a tarot card that exemplifies each season. First up:


Completely in the dark about your ADHD, you work miracles and don’t even know it. “What’s wrong with me?” you wonder, noticing it takes you way more effort than everybody else. When you’re able to accomplish things, everyone marvels at your magic. But getting there is fraught, exhausting, and most of all, CONFUSING. Why are you able to do [insert ADHD miracle here] and yet you still struggle with [insert supposedly basic self-care task]?

This season’s card is The Magician. Magic sounds cool, right? But The Magician is right at the beginning of a Tarot deck, just like you’re at the very beginning of your ADHD journey, and their magic is kinda crude and unformed. At this stage, because you don’t even KNOW you’re ADHD, your understanding of and relationship to your magic is undeveloped. 

PS: Don’t forget to get on my list so you don’t miss the rest of the series. Click here.
