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Emma Magenta Coaching

If you follow me on socials, you know that I recently started talking more about what I call 12 Domains of Care for ADHD Women.

The 12 Domains don’t come from medical professionals or scientific researchers (although I value their insights into ADHD).

No, this list coalesced in my mind after hundreds of conversations with ADHD women, several years of coaching them, and a lifetime of living as an ADHD woman myself.

In other words? It’s based on DIRECT EXPERIENCE with ADHD women.

This is important, because so few resources speak to us directly. If you’ve ever tried Googling “ADHD”, you know what I mean—so much of the information out there is misinformation.

Even the good information is mainly addressed to parents of ADHD kids. And—here’s the kicker—when it does address ADHD adults, it mainly orients toward the experiences of men.

Googling ADHD is like reading a very long, frequently inaccurate book that is a single long paragraph, with no chapters or sections or paragraph breaks. Oh and PS—there aren’t any adult female characters.

My intention, in creating this list of Domains of Care, is to take the ocean of information about ADHD, pull out what is specifically pertinent for ADHD women, and organize it in a way that is accessible.

To take something that feels infinite (the ocean of information out there about ADHD) and make it finite.


Feasible and relevant to you, a woman with an ADA-recognized disability.

So you can actually take some small, slow, persistent action steps toward an even more satisfying life.

So here are the 12 Domains. Have a looky-loo, then drop me a line and tell me…

Which of these feels most satisfying in your life? Which is giving you the most trouble?

  1. Domain 1: Body — Basic care of your animal body and brain: self-regulation, movement, intimacy, rest, food

  2. Domain 2: Identity — ADHD literacy, knowing your needs, self-advocacy, unmasking, neurodivergent community, disclosure

  3. Domain 3: Sensory — Awareness of and strategies for your sensory hyper- and hypo-sensitivities

  4. Domain 4: Joy — Room in your life for pleasure, play, fun, special interests, hobbies, art, advocacy

  5. Domain 5: Healthcare — Diagnosis, medication, co-morbidities, doctor’s appointments

  6. Domain 6: Energy — Understanding and tending fluctuations, healing burnout

  7. Domain 7: Exec Function — Time management, task initiation, planning, follow through, organization, prioritization, etc

  8. Domain 8: Emotions — Self-love, self-compassion, emotional regulation, shame and guilt, sense of agency

  9. Domain 9: Relationships — RSD strategies, relationship maintenance, boundaries, communicating your needs, conflict management, parenting

  10. Domain 10: Dreams — Your future hopes and plans

  11. Domain 11: Livelihood — How you earn and manage money

  12. Domain 12: Household — Your living space (including papers!) and the care tasks that keep it up (including childcare and petcare)

I can’t wait to hear from you!
