My loves,
I always take the premise that
my clients are RESOURCEFUL.
Even when we’ve just started working together and I don’t know them very well.
This is what resourceful means:
Capable of…
- locating
- cultivating
- harvesting
What are resources? Any old thing that helps you thrive.
I take this premise—“My clients are infinitely resourceful”— because I know that human beings in general are extremely resourceful. We are one of the most resourceful species on this planet. Think of all of the widely disparate niches in which human life has been able to establish a foothold, and not just survive, but thrive!
This ability to be resourceful is part of why human beings are so dangerous to the global ecosystem and planet Earth. Our resourcefulness gives us ENORMOUS POWER, and any enormous power can be used for good or ill.
I want you to remember your resourcefulness,because I want you to have power,because I believe that you’re gonna use it for good.
So…what is it that you want?
// Cuz if you’re reading this, I bet you can get it. //
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I love reminding you of your greatness.In fact, as a coach, that’s one of my main jobs.And remembering helps enormously with the process of getting what you want.Ready for coaching? Connect with me here!