Emma Magenta Coaching

Many years ago I had a therapist.

I was reeling off my usual tale of woe.

She said, “Emma, seems like you have pretty low self-esteem.”

I was like, “Yeah. Yeah, I do have pretty low self-esteem.”

She said, “What are you gonna do about it?”

At the time I felt totally irritated…

What was I gonna DO about it???

Like, NO SHIT I had low self-esteem! I was there in therapy for HER to tell ME what to do about it!

These days, after several years of coaching, therapy, and inner work…I finally have some answers to her question.

Here’s one of my favorites, a strategy that has helped me many times:

// Love is about words and deeds. //

Chances are good, you love somebody, right? Take a moment to imagine them.

How do you show this person that you love them, with your actions? Be specific.

How do you tell this person that you love them, with your words? Not just “I love you”—what other things do you say that are loving?

Now: how can you apply that to yourself?

What can you DO to show yourself that you love you?

And what loving words can you SAY to yourself?

Love to you, my friend.


Self-love doesn’t come easy to most of us. If you’re sick of being mean to yourself, but can’t seem to stop, consider getting coaching from me. I’ve been there, and I can help. Click here to get started.