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Emma Magenta Coaching


If you’re reading this, I’m guessing that you’ve been reading my stuff for awhile now. And we vibe!

So I bet I could really help you. You know, with THAT THING, the one you’ve been stuck on. The one that you know, deep down inside, you need help with.

/// I only have three spots left in my fall roster. And I would love for YOU to be one of them! ///

If you’re ready for:

🛤 A breakthrough in your pattern of not prioritizing yourself, so that you can move forward confidently in the direction of your dreams 🌅 Deep knowing that you, as you are, are already worthy, so you can stop trying to justify yourself and create a life that reflects your most deeply held values 🕊 A better relationship with your inner voice, so that you can stop the endless mental chatter telling you that you suck, and be at peace with yourself🌈 Better boundaries, so that you can live a life that is meaningful on your terms, free of the expectations put on you by your culture, your parents, your boss, or society at large🦄 Clarity about what YOU actually want, so that you’re living a life that is tailor-made to your preferences, not an empty unsatisfying version of somebody else’s life💞 A stronger practice of self-care so that you can be present in the moment with the ones you love for years to come

… Reach out to me. Let’s find out what’s possible for you! Click right here to book a free Discovery Call with me.

Here’s what my clients are saying about working with me:

“I came to Emma in January, unsure of how to move forward in finding a better work environment. At that time I was working in a place that felt really unsupportive and transactional. By the end of February I had a new job! The work environment is wonderful, the position excites me and is way more aligned with what I actually like to do, and they’re paying me a lot more. (A LOT!)” – Aisha I

“In life, you have these fantasies of the perfect thing that could happen. You go to see your favorite band and it’s fantastic, or the perfect house becomes available out of the blue and you’re able to buy it. That’s what coaching with Emma is. It’s that rare, perfect thing. If you’re thinking about it, DO THIS THING! It’s a gift for yourself, and as you become better, happier, more functional, it’s a gift to the rest of the universe too.” – Rachel B

“Emma has been coaching me for years. In that time she’s helped me leave a job, start a successful business, get out of a bad marriage, get INTO an amazing relationship, and just generally trust and like myself way more. If you know that something’s gotta give, but you don’t even know where to begin, talk to her. She will help you find the way!” – BH

If you’re ready to create a life that you can delight in and be proud of, let’s talk, Book a Free Discovery Call with me.
