Why Not You?

My friend, It took me seven years—seven!—to book my first ADHD coaching session after a healthcare professional suggested it. What was I doing in the meantime? Trying to convince myself that everything was fine. I was professionally successful, even celebrated in my field. Everything looked great on the outside. So obviously, the inside must be […]
Suggestion for ADHD parents

My dear, I have so many big, uncomfortable feels around the holiday season. Maybe you do too? For me, I feel: Overwhelmed by all the stuff to do. Anxious that I’m going to let people down. Lonely when family closeness doesn’t feel close. Regretful about holidays past. Sad my holidays don’t look like the movies. […]
lovin’ you the RIGHT way

ADHD women need well-diversified relationship portfolios. Does that sound like horrible capitalist word salad? It kinda does, so let me use a better analogy: ADHD women need a rich, diverse ecosystem of relationships. Like a healthy forest. In a healthy forest, there’s more than just a couple of towering trees. Those big trees are essential—they […]
Bet you’re smart

If you’re reading this, my guess is you’re one smart cookie. The women who like my work tend to be smart AF. Even, dare I say, brilliant. Yep, even though you may have struggled in school, especially when the homework expectations kicked in. Yep, even though you may look around your house and wonder how […]

Okay okay, I may be SLIGHTLY overstating things by saying “we’re doomed” without this practice. But if you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and scattered, this practice needs to be part of your ADHD strategy. It’s called EXTERNALIZATION. Externalization completely changed the way I handle my ADHD brain. A little background: My mind generally has […]