2 questions for ADHD women

There are two key questions I ask ADHD women during Discovery Calls. (In case you’re not quite sure what a discovery call is: “Discovery calls“ are the calls I have with ADHD women who are considering hiring me as their coach. Two things are happening during those calls – I’m finding out about their situation […]
let us deal in realities

I deal in realities, when it comes to ADHD. What I mean by that…. The fantasy is that one day you’re going to have enough time to finally clean up your house and get organized. The reality is that there will never be a good time, never be enough time, and that organization is an […]
what’s in your pocket?

Before I was an ADHD coach, I was a yoga and meditation teacher. I’ve had a serious meditation practice for 13 or 14 years now. I was once in a meditation class and the teacher said something like, “When you put your hand in your pocket,what do you have there? “When times are tough,when your […]
My Philosophy

In my work, I take this premise: ADHD is not a defect to mend, but a magic to tend. (The cutesy rhyme helps me remember this key value of mine.) Let’s unpack that a little, starting with “not a defect to mend.” ADHD’s not something to heal, because you’re not sick. It’s not something to fix, […]
Stop Telling Yourself These 5 Things

Beloved ADHD Woman,Stop telling yourself these five things:1) “I’m just making excuses.”An excuse is a bad faith explanation to absolve yourself of consequences.I know a lot of ADHD women. And most of them, far from using their ADHD as an excuse, default to thinking that their challenges are the result of a character flaw.Your ADHD […]