Free Body-Doubling Sessions

Do you know about body-doubling? You should!

Because while every ADHDer responds differently to various ADHD tools…the vast majority of ADHDers find body-doubling highly effective when they want to get something done.

What is it? Body-doubling is simply having another person with you while you do the task. The person can be present with you in person, on the phone, or virtually.

Twice a month on Wednesdays at 1pm ET, I offer free body-doubling sessions, open to any ADHD woman who wants to attend. Want the details? Pop your contact info below and I’ll send them to you.

"I hired Emma during a period of upleveling my business and was realizing that RSD was severely getting in the way. I don't even know if I knew that's what it was, I just knew I was freaking out.

"Emma allowed me to realize what I was experiencing wasn't a personal flaw or failing, it was normal. But she also helped me see what was actually happening and how I could work with it when it came up. Having tools to deal with it, rather than feeling like I had to be "perfectly healed" was so much better. Especially because as someone with ADHD it'll likely never go away. I recommend Emma emphatically.

"Even just having a discovery call with her will put you at ease. I'm totally serious! Get on her calendar if you're a go-getter with big dreams who's come really far already as someone with ADHD, but who wants to go further with a support partner by your side."
Erika Tebbens