Virtually every ADHD woman I know overworks.Yet virtually every ADHD woman I know thinks she’s lazy.Is this ...

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In my ADHD journey, I’ve had to take enormous, terrifying leaps of faith.I wanna give you some ...

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You know that thing we ADHD women do when something goes wrong in a relationship?Ruminating.Perseverating.Obsessing.Blaming yourself.Replaying it ...

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When you were a kid, did you hear a lot of stuff like:“She doesn’t work up to ...

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Here’s a classic scenario I hear from a lot of ADHD women, and experience myself. You’re going about ...

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There's a phase many ADHD women go through when they first find out about RSD.A phase I ...

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Do you know about ADHD masking?“Masking” refers to the false persona that neurodivergent people put on in ...

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Over the long weekend, I hope you kicked back, filled with a sense of quiet accomplishment about ...

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Perimenopause absolutely destroyed my previous ADHD strategies. Before perimenopause, I compensated for my ADHD energetic “lows” by ...

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There are two key questions I ask ADHD women during Discovery Calls. (In case you’re not quite ...

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