You’re Expecting Too Much

You may be perfectly capable of doing the thing, when conditions are ideal.


please know that “capable of doing the thing under ideal circumstances” is WAY DIFFERENT than “capable of doing the thing under any circumstances.”

And one example of a CIRCUMSTANCE is “every week, at about the same time.” Or “daily.”

So are you //capable// of, say, killing it in a big presentation?


Are you capable of killing it at the big presentation when you hate your boss, you feel like sh!t, your living space is chaotic, and you have multiple other demands on your attention?

Less likely, right? That’s harder.

And how about this: Are you capable of delivering a killer presentation DAILY when you hate your boss, you feel like sh!t, your living space is chaotic, and you have multiple other demands on your attention?

Even harder!

Please know that I say the following with SO MUCH CONFIDENCE in you and your abilities:

It’s likely that your expectations of yourself are way, way misaligned with your realities.

The reality is that you are a mortal human. You have limits.


Please re-read that, okay?

If you want to get more traction in your life, beloved ADHD woman, you will have to get better at acknowledging circumstances that you usually ignore.

So that you can honor and plan for the person you ARE, rather than the fantasy self that is nowhere near as cool as your actual self.


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