The “D” Word

Beloved ADHD friend,A lot of us struggle with the “D” word.It’s the unwelcome subtext lurking in the background of a lot of conversations I have with people who are juuuussst beginning to come to terms with their ADHD.And what I’m trying to do, in those conversations, is bring it into the foreground, to offer it […]
You’re Expecting Too Much

You may be perfectly capable of doing the thing, when conditions are ideal.BUTplease know that “capable of doing the thing under ideal circumstances” is WAY DIFFERENT than “capable of doing the thing under any circumstances.”And one example of a CIRCUMSTANCE is “every week, at about the same time.” Or “daily.”So are you //capable// of, say, […]
My Beef with Capitalism

Listen, I wouldn’t complain about capitalism if it worked. But it doesn’t work!And by “doesn’t work“ what I mean is that it doesn’t move toward any of the values that are important to me as a human being.Some of my values are:⁃ Concern for vulnerable people⁃ Love and care of planet Earth, which, for all […]
am I allowed to feel this way?

ADHD women—every single one ofyour feelings isTOTALLY, 100% VALID.Yes, every single one of them!If a toddler steps on your foot and it fills you with rage, VALID.If someone looks at you funny and it fills you with sadness, VALID.If you discover a new niche hobby and it fills you with excitement, VALID.So many ADHD women […]
beloved ADHD friends

Imagine that you lived in a culture that did not have clocks. Would you still experience the passage of time? Absolutely you would. You would notice the sun moving across the sky during the day. You would notice the wax and wane of the moon. You would notice the different cycles of the year. You […]