Emma Magenta Coaching

Bet you’re smart

If you’re reading this, my guess is you’re one smart cookie. The women who like my work tend to be smart AF. Even, dare I say, brilliant.  Yep, even though you may have struggled in school, especially when the homework expectations kicked in. Yep, even though you may look around your house and wonder how […]


Okay okay, I may be SLIGHTLY overstating things by saying “we’re doomed” without this practice.  But if you’re ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and scattered, this practice needs to be part of your ADHD strategy. It’s called EXTERNALIZATION. Externalization completely changed the way I handle my ADHD brain. A little background:  My mind generally has […]

9 routines you need

Okay, first thing to know is that from your brain’s perspective, there’s a difference between a routine and a habit. Habits live deep in the brain, in a group of structures called the basal ganglia. Once something becomes a habit, your basal ganglia can run it on autopilot without needing much thought. Think about things […]

relationship troubles?

You know that thing ADHD women do when we have relationship problems? Ruminating.Perseverating.Obsessing.Blaming yourself.Replaying it again and again. Here’s an important rule of thumb, when it comes to navigating relationships as an ADHD woman:  If you’re not an important person in someone’s life, they shouldn’t be an important person in yours. Let me explain: Because […]

what you crave

ADHD women crave something they have no name for. It’s something called “self-efficacy”. The idea of self-efficacy was first proposed by psychologist Albert Bandura in 1977. Here’s how he defined it: “The belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations.” Put more simply:Self-efficacy is belief that […]